It was a moment of brilliance with the softly & sparsely pouring rain buttoning the gentle tide underneath at Lake Hawassa. A decent moment on the edge to think about God, thank Him for the gifts in nature & pray. My open-eyed meditation was however interrupted by a calm yet firm word from an attendant on account of depth at the spot. I complied & shifted, longing to get back to the meditative mood. Praise & prayer can be interrupted for any reason.
Opportunely God doesn’t wait until the whole is packed with Amen. What is said, no matter how, is already heard. Later on we (in a seminar) read, “Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mk 1:35). Simon came & disrupted, “Everyone is looking for you.” Quite times are penetrable by needs. To meditate isn’t to neglect